
Group Leader : Prof. Dr. Puneet Anantha Murthy

Prof. Dr. Puneet A. Murthy

I am a physicist with broad interests in quantum optics, atomic physics, statistical physics and nano-sciences. After my undergraduate education in India, I obtained my PhD from Heidelberg, where I worked on ultra cold atomic systems. Our focus was on creating and studying exotic phases of fermionic atoms cooled to extremely low temperatures. After my PhD, I changed my research direction for my postdoc at ETH, where I worked on 2D materials, particularly on the optics of van der Waals semiconductors. Since September 2023, I am leading the Nanoquo research group as an Assistant Professor of Photonics at ETH Zurich.

Administrative Assistant

Manuela Weber

Manuela Weber Semler

After some years as an administration specialist for an insurance general agency, a travel tour operator and a voice communications provider, I joined ETH Zurich in 2007. I have been working as an administrative assistant for D-​ITET ISG and within the Physics department. I have been working with the NanoQuO group since September 2023.

Office: HPT G10, phone: +41 44 633 76 17, email:

PhD Students

Elie Vandoolaeghe

Elie Vandoolaeghe

I have been a PHD student in the NanoQuO group since October 2023. I got my masters degree in an engineering school in Paris : ESPCI Paris PSL. During an internship at NTT Research Inc., California, about ultrafast light-matter interaction in TMDCs semiconductors and their integration inside cavities, I met with Prof. Dr. Puneet A. Murthy and I decided to join him on this adventure at ETH Zurich. I am passionate about mountain sports and activities, but also by music, cinema and culture in general. 

People A-Z

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